männliche B-Jugend Jahrgang 2001/2002 und jünger Baden-Württemberg Oberliga

IMG 9053 final 700

hinten v.l.: Marko Stankovic , Tim Karch, Merlin Kempf, Jonas Meyer, Tom Mink, Manuel Meyer, Nick Anthonj, Julian Lasch, Linus Nachtigall
vorne v.l.: Detlef Ludwig (Trainer), Sven Schmitt, Luis Fien, Lennard Kull, Tobias Noack, Lasse Ludwig, Rouven Horn, Lars Schmitt, Larissa Ludwig (Trainerin)

männliche C-Jugend Jahrgang 2003/2004 und jünger Südbadenliga Staffel Nord

Mannschaftsbild mJC SL N Saison 2017 18Hintere Reihe: Günter Schmitt (Trainer), Timo Reuter, Fabian Ludwig, Lukas Haas, Jannis Welsche, Jan Kraft, Florian Heidt, Martin Heidt (Trainer)
Mittlere Reihe: Simon Wilhelm, Hannes Schmitt, Henry Meder, Jakob Wagner, Raphael Jörger
Vordere Reihe: Marcel Seiler, Lennard Kull
Es fehlt: Max Müller

männliche D1-Jugend Jahrgang 2005/2006 und jünger BK-Quali

mJD1 2017 18Felix Frei, Nanaimo Vygen, Leo Zimpfer, Lion Schmidt, Joshua Gronau, Linus Minet, Bastian Komotzki, Marvin Ludwig, Luis Bantel, Johannes Kühn

männliche D2-Jugend Jahrgang 2005/2006 und jünger KK-Quali

mJD2 Saison 2017 2018

Oben von links: Johannes Kühn, David Anthonj, Lennox Kraus, Pascal Müller, Nanaimo Vygen, Luca Hauß und Emily Irmscher
Unten von links: Noah Weiss, Jonas Müller, Jesse Ukpelukpe, Denise Berger und Helena Hügel
Es fehlen: Marvin Wenzel, Tristan Meder, Etienne Bäuerle und Luis Bantel

männliche B-Jugend 2 Jahrgang 2001/2002 und jünger Südbadenliga Staffel Nord

MannschaftsfotoHintere Reihe: Trainer Thomas Bantel, Rouven Horn, Daniel Noack, Manuel Meyer, Jonas Haas, Nick Anthonj, Jan Kraft, Niklas Hirsch
Vordere Reihe: Linus Nachtigall, Fabian Ludwig, Roman Österwind, Tobias Noack und Lukas Bohnert
Es fehlt: Lennard Kull

männliche A-Jugend Jahrgang 1999/2000 und jünger Südbadenliga

MannschaftsfotoHintere Reihe: Leon Jakob, Tim Karch, Tom Mink, Marco Stankiovic,Luis Fien, Martin Vulic
Mittlere Reihe: Larissa Ludwig (Trainer),Jonas Meier, Nick Anthonj, Lars Schmitt, Sven Schmitt, Merlin Kempf, Detlef Ludwig (Trainer)
Vordere Reihe: Magnus Falk, Lasse Ludwig, Julian Lasch
Es fehlt: Jan Parpart


Geschrieben von Super User am . Veröffentlicht in Uncategorised

This theme utilizes the latest features of the fast and slick Warp theme framework. It comes with a broad range of layout and module variations as well as a neat typography to style your content. Read on to learn more about this theme and its features:

  • Available for Joomla and WordPress
  • 8 style variations available
  • Choose from 9 fonts
  • 4 module style combinable with 4 badges and 8 icons
  • Selectable background color for inner top and inner bottom
  • Flexible template and column widths
  • All Warp framework features are available

Theme Styles

We provide different style variations of the default theme. In addition to these styles we added several other style settings like colors and fonts. Combining the different style options allows you to create your own unique theme design.

Combinable Styles

Theme Profiles

We created some nice theme profiles using the different styles, colors and fonts, you can choose from in the theme administration. You can create your own profiles and even assign them to different menu items. Click on one of the profile images to load it.

Theme Layout

This theme comes with the default Warp6 module layout. The blue module positions allow to choose a module layout which defines the module alignment and proportions: equal, double or stack. You can easily add your own module layouts. The two available sidebars, highlighted in red, can be switched to the left or right side and their widths can easily be set in the theme administration. For modules in the blue and red positions you can choose different module styles. Take a look at the module variations page to get an overview.

Module PositionsModule Positions
Module Layouts Module Layouts Colum LayoutsColumn Layouts

Special Features

The Sphere theme comes with some additional features.

Custom Widgetkit Styles

We created some custom styles for our Widgetkit Slideshow Tabs and Widgetkit Slideset, perfectly fitting the theme. To apply these styles, follow these steps:

Slideshow Tabs

  1. Download and unzip the bonus styles package for Widgetkit available in the download area
  2. Copy the folder slideshow/styles/sphere_tabs
  3. Joomla: Paste it to media/widgetkit/widgets/slideshow/styles
    WordPress: Paste it to wp-content/plugins/widgetkit/widgets/slideshow/styles
  4. Now you can select the style "Sphere tabs" in the settings of your Widgetkit Slideshow.


  1. Download and unzip the bonus styles package for Widgetkit available in the download area
  2. Copy the folder slideset/styles/sphere
  3. Joomla: Paste it to media/widgetkit/widgets/slideset/styles
    WordPress: Paste it to wp-content/plugins/widgetkit/widgets/slideset/styles
  4. Now you can select the style "Sphere" in the settings of your Widgetkit Slideset

Social Icons

As a little extra, the Sphere theme offers a set of social icons. They are easy to add to your content and are part of our editable Adobe Fireworks Image Source Files.

Here is a little code example how to add them:

<ul class="social-icons">
  <li class="twiiter"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="rss"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="facebook"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="linkedin"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="flickr"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="xing"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="google-plus"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="youtube"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="vimeo"><a href="#"></a></li>
  <li class="github"><a href="#"></a></li>

Possible class names are twitter, rss, facebook, linkedin, flickr, xing, google-plus, youtube, vimeo and github.

Social Icons

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